St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

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Brook Road, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire WD6 5HL

020 8953 3753

St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Growing and learning together, as part of God’s family, to be the best we can be.

  1. Curriculum
  2. Early Years Curriculum

Early Years Curriculum


"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

- Luke 18:16

EYFS Leader: Mrs Serban

Our Early Years curriculum provides no limits or barriers to the children’s achievements. It gives an opportunity for pupils to develop basic skills and integrate new knowledge into larger concepts. Adults will enable children to develop vocabulary, read daily and create the foundations for the rest of their schooling.


Our Curriculum is based on the key seven areas of learning; 

  • Communication and Language
  • Personal, Social, Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • English
  • Maths
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design 

At St Teresa's our curriculum stems from our ambitions for what we intend for our early years children to achieve by the time they reach the end of Reception. Please read our ambitions by clicking the link below:

Our curriculum is based on a clear progression of skills throughout Early Years in each key area of learning. Although, St Teresa's does not have a Nursery class, our curriculum captures the development of skills across Nursery and Reception so that we can support every child at our school. Our curriculum is supported by our St Teresa's Progression of Skills cards which link to our skills map and overall ambitions to support children's learning in key areas of the early years environment. 

Our EYFS Curriculum Overview is planned to show text and topic choices that theme our children's learning throughout the year.