St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

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St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Growing and learning together, as part of God’s family, to be the best we can be.

  1. Classes
  2. Year 2

Welcome to Year 2

A warm welcome to Year 2 at St.Teresa's.
Year 2 marks the children's last year of Key Stage One so they are the eldest of the infants. In year 2 we strive to set an example to all and are role models to the younger children. 

Year 2 enjoy a broad and balanced curriculum based on developing their knowledge and skills across the subjects to prepare them for their KS2 learning as well as mastering and embedding all their learning from Foundation and year 1. 

In year 2, we work towards becoming proud independent learners and are responsible for self marking our home learning, organising our guided reading activities and getting our own learning resources ready. We work closely as a Key Stage  with our year 1 class in shared workshops, collective worship sessions and maintaining our shared garden area. Not to forget our assemblies and Nativity productions! 

Please keep checking back to see our wonderful videos and pictures so you view our latest learning and challenges.  

The team look forward to working together with parents to ensure all children are ‘growing and working together as God’s family to be the best we can be’. 

Mrs Hatton Class Teacher

Mrs Britton and Mrs Watson Support Staff

Class email address for parents to use if you need to contact Mrs Hatton directly about your child's learning

All other communication should be directed to the school office

This half-term, we are learning: 

Autumn Term

Our Learning in Topic

“Inter-Nation Media Station” is a thematic unit all about media and broadcasting. There is a key subject focus on history, through which the children learned about early methods of communciation, leading to the invention of both the television and radio. This topic helped the children to develop confidence in oracy, through opportunities to work on their own broadcasts.

Y2 NSPCC Speak out, stay safe 

The children have been learning that we all have the right to feel safe. They have been taught about the different ways that they could be hurt by others, (bullying, hitting, keeping our privates private, hurting children’s feelings and not being looked after properly) and how to get help if they need it. On Tuesday we had a very special visitor from the NSPCC who came to talk to the children. The class had the opportunity to meet ‘Buddy’. We discussed who are ‘safe adults’ are both in school and at home.


KS1 Nativity

The children in Year 1 and Year 2 have worked extremely hard to put on a performance of ‘The Angel Who Nearly Missed It All’. Their singing was outstanding and the children all worked hard to learn their lines for the play and all of the lyrics to the songs. The children performed with enthusiasm and with smiles on their faces.

Thank you for your support at home to learn their words. Thank you to the staff for supporting the children and for preparing them for these wonderful celebrations. Lastly, a huge thank you to all of the children for showing us the true meaning of  Christmas.

Spring Term.


This half term the children have enjoyed learning about electricity. They have created electrical circuits containing bulbs, buzzers and switches. They have worked together to investigate if a material is an insulator or a conductor. 

The Good News

In R.E The children have learnt about some of the miracles of Jesus. We have listened to the stories of Jesus calling his first disciples, feeding of the 5000, the paralysed man and the healing of the ten lepers. The children have re-enacted these stories. We have thought about these stories spreading the 'Good News' of Jesus. We have also reflected on how they teach us how to live our lives and follow in Jesus's footsteps. 

World Book Day

We had a great day celebrating World Book Day. The children looked fantastic in their costumes and pyjamas. We enjoyed learning about all of the children's favourite books and recommending books to our friends. 

Mother's Day Celebration.

 It was a joy to invite our mums and grandmothers into our classroom. We made some wonderful paper flowers that we the gave as a gift to someone special. 

Summer Term.

Clay Tiles

The children have been learning how to use their hands as a tool for making pieces of artwork. They created repeating patterns in the clay. They also had to use a template to create their tile shape. They understood that clay is a material that can only be used when it is flexible and wet. 

Clarice Cliff

The children have been learning to mix secondary colours. They used these skills to create plates in the style of Clarice Cliff. .

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KS1 Trip - Hertfordshire Zoo.

The children in Year One and Two enjoyed their visit to Hertfordshire Zoo. Whilst we were there we were able to visit the dinosaur exhibition, see the animals that we have been learning about in our Science lessons and we even had the opportunity to see a 'Birds of Prey show;. It was a fantastic day.