St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

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St Teresa's Catholic Primary School

Growing and learning together, as part of God’s family, to be the best we can be.

  1. Classes
  2. Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to Year 3!

Class Teacher - Miss Ince

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Keller & Mrs Hackett

Learning Support Assistant - Mrs Natalia

 Class Timetable

This term we will be learning...

Autumn Term

Waste Awareness Workshop

The children in Year 3 were able to participate in a recycling workshop, where they learnt how to recycle different types of materials. The children were keen to learn about the many different ways in which we can dispose of waste, including general waste, recycling and charity bins. Children in Year 3 were able to separate different materials using a magnet that identified which cans were iron and which were not, so we know how to recycle them properly. The children in Year 3 enjoyed the Waste Awareness Workshop and were able to recognise the important roll they have in looking after the world and the environment around them.

Judaism Workshop

This term, we had a visitor who taught us all about the Jewish faith. We learned that, just like Christians, Jews have a holy book called the Torah. We listened to some of the Torah and discovered how it is similar to the Bible. Then we wrote in Hebrew, the language used in the Torah, and wore special Jewish garments while we read from the Torah ourselves. We learned how the Jewish people pray and follow the rules in the Torah.

Spring Term


In PE we have been learning about Fitness. Children have been participating in different activities to explore and develop areas of their health and fitness. Children have learnt to develop their perseverance when they get tired or when they find a challenge hard. They have encouraged and supported each other in a variety of fitness circuits and activities. 

The Last Garden by Rachel Ip

 The Last Garden is a story based on true events in Syria and allowed children to contribute in conversations about the impact of war and migration. Despite this being a story based on war, it is ultimately a story of hope and healing. We have learnt about abstract noun phrases and how to use them across a range of different genres of writing, such as dialogue, social media updates, advertisements and setting descriptions.

World Book Day

On the 7th March, we celebrated World Book Day.  Children were able to watch their favourite authors read books online and participate in a Live Lesson 'The Great World Book Day Footy and Booky Quiz', which is an interactive quiz organised by the National Literacy Trust. Children came into school dressed up as their favourite characters from a variety of different books and they did such a wonderful job!

Science Week 

During this lesson, we learnt about the force gravity and how it can be used to help measure time, the theme of this year’s science week. We created a water clock, which marks the time by how full the bottom container becomes. Being observant was an important skill to make sure that our clocks were accurate. We then answered some questions about flow rates with different liquids and how this might change the clock.

Summer Term


Year 3 have been developing their tennis skills in PE. They are developing their technique in forehand, backhand, throwing, catching and rallying. Children have been focusing on key skills such as racket control and hitting a ball. Pupils have enjoying the opportunities they have had to play tennis games in pairs.


Wear Green for Mental Health

On Friday 17th May, St Teresa's organised a 'Wear Green for Mental Health' day. Year 3 participated in a whole school run, a circuit, scavenger hunt and some mindfulness colouring. Year 3 really enjoyed reflecting on their wellbeing and how to look after their minds and bodies. 

First Holy Communion 

Throughout May, the children in Year 3 have celebrated their First Holy Communions. They have worked incredibly hard preparing for their special day and the school are extremely proud of them. 

Number Week

In Year 3, we participated in a range of activities for Number Week. We did challenges such as crack the code, building 3D shapes out of marshmallows and sticks and creating our own shape art inspired by Pablo Picasso. On Friday we came dressed to school as a number and the children had some fantastic outfits! 

Constructing Castles

In Design and Technology children have looked at a range of features and designs for castles. They considered a purpose for their own castle and created their own designs, taking into account the features of castles they had looked at previously. Children had a great time building their own castles with a wide range of cardboard resources they had brought in and different coloured card and tissue paper. The children's hard worked paid off as all of their castles looked fantastic!